---------- 2018-04-24 ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16021143/clone-option-not-visible-in-vmware-player Mware Player does not have a clone option. The product is designed to be a simpler version of VMware Workstation so it does not have many features that are found in Workstation. However, cloning a VM manually is not that difficult. Googling "vmware player clone" gave me several hits, the first one is this: http://aztcs.org/meeting_notes/winhardsig/virtualmachines/vmware/Cloning_VM_in_VMwarePlayer--Windows.pdf The overall process is: Copy the VM directory to a new directory. Launch VMWare Player and load the new VM (.vmx file) from it. Edit VM properties to rename it. Start the new VM. When prompted, select "I have copied the VM". VMWare fill fix everything else. ---------- 2018-04-24