--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honda: ”¼ASP SESSION STATE DATABASE ”³add default temporary database (SampleSqlServer.ASPState) aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -ssadd -sstype t ”³add default persisted database (SampleSqlServer.ASPState) aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -ssadd -sstype p ”³Add customer persisted database (SampleSqlServer.myDB) aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -ssadd -sstype c -d myDB Remember to add attributes "allowCustomSqlDatabase" and "sqlConnectionString" in \ in web.config ”³Remove database aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -ssremove -sstype c -d myDB ”³Generate SQL script. aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -ssadd -sstype c -d myDB -sqlexportonly myScript.sql ”¼APPLICATION SERVICE DATABASE ”³Add default database (SampleSqlServer.aspnetdb) aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -A all ”³Add customer database (SampleSqlServer.myDB) aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -A all -d myDB ”³Remove database aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -R all -d myDB ”³Generate SQL script. aspnet_regsql.exe -S SampleSqlServer -E -A all -d myDB -sqlexportonly myScript.sql --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help for aspnet_regsql.exe: Administrative utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET features on a SQL server. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -- GENERAL OPTIONS -- -? Display this help text. -W Wizard mode. (Default if no other parameters are specified.) -- SQL CONNECTION OPTIONS -- -S SQL Server instance (SQL Server 7.0 and above) to work with. -U SQL Server user name to authenticate with; requires -P option. -P SQL Server password to authenticate with; requires -U option. -E Authenticate with current Windows credentials. -C Connection string. Instead of specifying a user name, password, and server name, specify a SQL Server connection string. The string must not contain a database name unless otherwise specified. -sqlexportonly Generate the SQL script file for adding or removing the specified features and do not carry out the actual operation. Can be used with the following options: -A, -R, -ssadd, and -ssremove. -- APPLICATION SERVICES OPTIONS -- -A all|m|r|p|c|w Add support for a feature. Multiple values can be specified together. For example: -A mp -A m -A p all: All features m: Membership r: Role manager p: Profiles c: Personalization w: SQL Web event provider -R all|m|r|p|c|w Remove support for a feature. Multiple values can be specified together. For example: -R mp -R m -R p all : All features plus all common tables and stored procedures shared by the features m: Membership r: Role manager p: Profiles c: Personalization w: SQL Web event provider -d Database name for use with application services. If no database name is specified, the default database "aspnetdb" is used. -Q Quiet mode; do not display confirmation to remove a feature. -- SQL CACHE DEPENDENCY OPTIONS (FOR SQL 7.0 AND 2000) -- -d Database name for use with SQL cache dependency in SQL 7.0 and SQL 2000. The database can optionally be specified using the connection string with the -C option instead. (Required) -ed Enable a database for SQL cache dependency. -dd Disable a database for SQL cache dependency. -et Enable a table for SQL cache dependency. Requires -t option. -dt Disable a table for SQL cache dependency. Requires -t option. -t Name of the table to enable or disable for SQL cache dependency. Requires -et or -dt option. -lt List all tables enabled for SQL cache dependency. -- SESSION STATE OPTIONS -- -ssadd Add support for SQLServer mode session state. -ssremove Remove support for SQLServer mode session state. -sstype t|p|c Type of session state support: t: temporary. Session state data is stored in the "tempdb" database. Stored procedures for managing session are installed in the "ASPState" database. Data is not persisted if you restart SQL. (Default) p: persisted. Both session state data and the stored procedures are stored in the "ASPState" database. c: custom. Both session state data and the stored procedures are stored in a custom database. The database name must be specified. -d The name of the custom database to use if -sstype is "c". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------