IsDoneVsHasDone.txt 20210306 每日英語: is done vs has done. The passive of the verb to do: 動詞被動式 Most of the work is done by me. [right, present tense] 大部分的工作由我完成. [正確的現在被動式] Most of the work has done by me. [錯誤的語法] Most of the work was done by me. [simple past, the work is finished] OR 大部分工作是由我完成的。 [簡單的過去被動式,工作現在完成了]或 Most of the work has been done by me. [present perfect, you started to do the work in the past and continue to do it now] 大多數工作已經由我完成。 [現在完成被動式,您從過去開始從事這項工作,現在繼續進行] Trick, just for you: the simple past and present prefect are basically the same idea in Spanish. :) 有趣的是, 西班牙文中, 簡單現在式和現在完成式, 是同樣的意思. Please note: The majority of is used for people. For work, we would say most of the work. 另外請注意, 通常會說 most of the work, 而不是單獨一件 work.